I did not know until this past Wednesday that the Super Bowl is this Sunday. I live in a sports vacuum here – no ESPN, no (I don’t even know any other source of sports news). I didn’t know who was playing in the Super Bowl until yesterday, when I found out that one of the teams is the Pittsburg Steelers because of this NY Times article. Apparently, Steeler’s fans love a certain bright yellow towel called the “Terrible Towel” – they wave it around at games, they take it with them to the Great Wall of China and the top of Mt. Everest – perhaps they take it with them on their honeymoons. These people are crazy! It’s just a yellow towel.
However, according to the NY Times article, the proceeds of the towel go to a school which serves close to 1000 disabled children and adults in Pennsylvania and since it’s inception has raised over $2.5 million dollars for the school. So I bought myself a couple of towels and now I’m a Steelers fan. What can I say? I’m easily bought. I also have no idea who the other team is. Maybe they are vaccinating kids in Africa with their hot dog proceeds. That would make it harder for me to decide who to root for.
Here’s a photo of Ruby on the couch at 9 am! 9 am! It used to be she never, never was allowed on the couch. Then she figured out that she could sleep on the couch when we weren’t at home. Then she figured out that she could sleep on the couch when we were upstairs asleep. Now, since she turned 8 and leapfrogged over Jeremy as the senior member of the household, all heck has broken loose and she’s sleeping on the couch whenever she feels like it…
Scott asked me if we could have a superbowl party. There will be six adults and 6 boys. The boys wanted rootbeer, bunny pasta and sugar cookies. The men get Chili, buffalo wings with blue cheese, stuffed jalapeno peppers, salad and more stuff with meat. I’m wearing my #10 Titans jersey. I’m no fairweather fan. Go Vince! The best part though is Gloria Lee the person who has less football experience than you has won her fantasy football league all by math stats. She’s very happy!
On a different note, I was wondering why do children with Rhetts mouth. I couldn’t find much info on the “why?”