Coming home!

Jeremy and Vince are out of the wilderness!  I got a call from them yesterday evening.  They reported that the trip was fantastic.  They went with some neighbors of Kiki’s, including a 12-year-old named Hawk and everyone got along well.  Everyone will be home tomorrow which is wonderful for me and wonderful for Edda.  I wish I could have gone.  I wish Edda could have gone.  Per the Rolling Stones, you can’t always get what you want. But! If you try sometimes, you find, you get what you need. Which is fine and true.


I went to lunch yesterday with a friend who works at NIH.  She works in a lab with chemicals and pipettes.  Even though I love labwork in theory, I can’t imagine working in a lab anymore.  It’s a little too unstructured and slow for me.

I have another friend who is a nurse at NIH doing clinical trials.  She’s trying to encourage me to work there when I graduate.  No emergencies, no late night, last minute admissions.  Low patient to nurse ratio.  The campus is very college-like – even down to the numbering of the buildings – although I think that even though we called all the buildings by number in college, they didn’t actually have the numbers boldly affixed to the exterior.

We have been combing Edda’s hair every morning.  Diligently.  Obsessively.  I do see little sticky white things at the crown of her head which get worse with the combing and the pesticide treatment that I’m applying weekly.  I did get a call from the nurse yesterday from camp saying they found a nit.  I really had to tell them that I’m doing my most impressively perfectionist effort to get Edda rid of lice.  No one else in the family has lice – I even sleep right next to Edda night after night, temple to temple.  I had to even state that the AAP states that no child should miss school because of nits.  I can’t tell if they are nits (I don’t think they are as they are worse when we scratch her scalp) or are little impostors (which I’m leaning towards) that are out to ruin whatever sanity I have left.  Not only does it mess with me mentally, but really?  Physically, I’m at the edge of my vision capabilities and my eyes can not really see something so small so early in the morning.  Now head lice are gross but transfer no illnesses.  Body lice, on the other hand (I found out yesterday), transfer typhus.  Now that would totally freak me out.

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