Recovery Sunday.


Jeremy made some delicious blueberry loaves for brunch this morning.   Edda is still the sickest one of us, alternately shivering from her cold and then puking.


The rest of us also napped with her.


Vince flossed her teeth because some stuff was stuck in her mouth.


My kids crawled into bed with me and indulged me by watching Legally Blonde.



Recovery Saturday.


Everyone is recovering nicely, though everyone except me has taken ibuprofen today.  I’m looking forward to going on a run tomorrow after many, many days off.   I’ve lost four or five pounds this week, which mostly I was sad to see go because I patiently built up all this random muscle strength via running, jump roping, weight lifting and it just goes away with a few days of excess video watching and sleeping and virus fighting, but also makes me slightly uplifted because, as most girls know, you can never quite rid yourself of wanting that number on the scale to go down a la Romy & Michele’s HS reunion – Michele: Remember the prom? You got so thin by then. Romy: Oh, I know. I was so lucky getting mono. That was like the best diet ever.

We bumped into Sophie again who admired Ruby.


I had unsubscribed from Netflix a few months ago because we were getting the same videos from Amazon Prime and I watch so little TV, I thought saving the 10 dollars a month was worth it.  But it turns out when you are sick, all you want to do it watch videos and the UI for Amazon was killing me softly.  I would watch a video, then fall asleep, then not be able to find it again when I wanted to.   And I couldn’t browse efficiently.  When I’m sick, I almost like browsing more than enjoy watching the movies themselves – I like reveling in the endless possibilities. Argh.  Also, I missed the auto-next video Netflix has so I can just turn it on and let Edda binge watch from 4:30-6:30 am while I sleep next to her.




I went to bed early last night, so I forgot that Jeremy had a VIM (very important meeting) today because I didn’t have a chance to catch up with Jeremy when he came home after a meeting he had last night.  Edda was up all night – just talking – and getting slightly warm and sick again and I punted on taking care of her.  I just couldn’t bring myself to manage Edda in my sleepy/sick state and I made Jeremy do it (even though I knew he was getting sick too).  I’d like to think I would have not punted if I had remembered the VIM today.

Then we were all up at 6:20 am trying to decide if Edda was well enough to send to school with a prophylactic course of Motrin.  We decided to keep her home – with the other sick kid taking care of her.  Ibuprofen cocktails all around.  Hopefully we’ll all be well by Mother’s Day.



We are falling over like dominos.  I’ve been feeling crappy since Monday night.  Now Vince and Jeremy seem to be not feeling well.  But we are all still trucking along – still working, trying to go to bed at 8:30 pm.  Blech.


We are juggling around dinner duties.  Vince has Wed night – this is what he made.  Udon noodles:


With various toppings – spinach, mushroom, pork, eggs, shrimp.  And a bunch of fried rice.





Vince got some blood drawn today for routine tests for his annual checkup.  He had to fast for the lipid tests – but we replenished his lipids right after we left the testing center.


Jeremy orders olive oil online.  They’ve usually arrived OK, but this time, one of them broke.


Who’s that in my bed?




Edda: post flu

Edda is recovered from the flu, she spent Friday feverish and then Saturday not so feverish and then Saturday night, her fever broke and she slept a record 14 hours in a row.  Edda never, never, ever sleeps past 6:30 or 7 am.

Here she is at 8:30 am Sunday:


Then at 10 am on Sunday, even Vince’s armpit couldn’t wake Edda up.


Today, we followed up with dentist checkup for the post-op check:


And a pediatrician followup for the ER visit for the flu.


Then I dropped Edda off at lunch – OMG, a middle school lunch room.  Treacherous territory.


Bye Edda-mame!  Enjoy your chicken nuggets.


Now I think I’m getting sick.  I’m hoping a good sleep will keep it at bay…



Edda bought herself a new TV with all the internet stuff already in it – about $200.  Crazy cheap, the Roku itself would have been $100.   Jeremy installed it on the wall.  We FINALLY are getting rid of Edda’s little portable DVD players that have been sitting on her bedroom dresser.  And we installed ROKU remotes on our phones so we can lose the remote and not freak out about turning on/off the TV.

We did a good amount of rearranging – the house has been too full.  Not of people, we love the people, just of the furniture.   And clothes.  Edda’s closest has been stuffed with clothes she’s outgrown.


We haven’t done laundry for two weeks.  No reason except for being lazy.


We wet vac-ed pee stains that have never been touched.


Vince emptied his room and got rid of his bunk beds and cleaned up all the pee spots.


The au pair room is quickly getting turned into a guest room/study.
