

The thing that kills me about Vince’s math class is that they use a TI-84 graphing calculator.  I don’t think algebra needs to use a graphing calculator – but they are plotting data and figuring out correlation coefficients and getting best fit lines.  I just don’t like looking at the math homework and seeing some problem and thinking to myself – wow, that’s a little complicated to figure out by hand, and then Vince is like, “that’s when we enter it in the graphing calculator”.  I hate the graphing calculator so much that I refuse to purchase it for home use when they told us to do it at back-to-school night and it’s coming around to biting me in the ass because his final project is all graphing calculator based.  Then Vince has no idea how to figure it out using anything different than the TI-84, leaving me to figure out some online emulator this week to mimic a graphing calculator.

Vince is experimenting with a new “signature”.


Jeremy and I snagged the last ten minutes of happy hour at World of Beer.  $4 beer, $5 eats, and $6 cocktails.  World of Beer opened last week in our neighborhood, we can walk home.


Then I brushed Ruby’s fur and created a mat of dog hair at our local park.

2 thoughts on “Wed.”

  1. OMGOSH you could knit a new dog with all that fur. Ruby must feel good getting rid of it.

    I have some old calculators of Josh's do you want them? No clue but they seem to work. They are:

    TI SR51A with owner's manuel

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