Game of life, stitches, physics.

It’s been an emotional weekend for me.  I can’t shake the feeling from my last two shifts.  And not only that, I’m getting unusually stuck on the national news and some of Edda’s issues, just perseverating on the same crappy thing over and over again in my head.  Usually, I’m only a forward anxious person.  I get anxious for things that might happen in the future.  I’m very rarely a backwards anxious person – I usually get over things that happen in the past, quickly shrugging off bad experiences.  But somehow not today.  I can’t quite figure out why. I’ve certainly had patients yell at me before and I’ve always have known I would have difficult patients, but this one stuck.  Jeremy thinks it’s because he’s leaving on a business trip in the morning for 4 days and certainly that might be it, but it doesn’t mean that I can rationalize myself out of a gloomy mood. 


I played two games of Life with my friend Rory.  The game of Life has changed a lot over the last time I’ve played it.  We made up a lot of new rules.  It was fun.



Christine tried to take out Gene’s stitches at Sunday night dinner.



Vince & Jeremy working on physics homework.  Projectile motion problems with sin and cosine.  Thank goodness for youtube, you can basically find a person doing any problem that you have on youtube!


One thought on “Game of life, stitches, physics.”

  1. Hmmm. A couple of things come to my head after reading your past two posts. One, you are a brilliant young engineer and maybe some of the hassles you are dealing with at the hospital need some entrepreneurial female engineering skills i.e. medication being administered like the egg white stuff. Two, considering the crappy day you were having it is kind of funny you were playing the game of life! You are doing a great job Doris. I'm sorry the printer broke and the patient yelled at you nonstop. Somehow you need to not lose your sense of humor. And, listen to music. TURN off the politics! That is key I am convinced. Hang in there girl. The world needs women like you!.

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