I don’t know what is up with Maxi, but the last two nights she’s been cuddling up next to me in bed. She is such a skittish dog that I don’t think she’s ever cozied up to me for more than a few minutes during her life. It’s weird (for her), but I’ll take it. I want a snuggler.

Jeremy went to Haverford for the weekend where he just happened to meet up with this guy who is a pediatric neurologist. Jeremy’s like – I hate talking to pediatric neurologists. Turns out this guy specializes in Rett, so he said he’d be happy to render a 2nd opinion on Edda’s seizures if we need it.

Vince came home from his last scout campout at noon today and we went out for dim sum.

Jeremy came home from Philly mid-afternoon and we hosted a birthday party for Emy.

Happy 40th! It was a hilarious party tonight. So funny.