We celebrated Kitachi’s birthday yesterday with baked ziti and Georgetown cupcakes. Thank goodness for Kitachi who is Edda’s buddy! Kitachi, who never requests specific dinners (even though we always ask), does like pasta, so I asked Jeremy to make some pasta for her. He said there was no way he could make lasagna, so I proposed baked ziti. We all loved the baked ziti (which does taste exactly like lasagne) and then after dinner, Jeremy said that he was completely converted over to baked ziti because it was so much easier to assemble than lasagna. As for the cupcakes, I ordered them yesterday (only in chocolate flavors – K’s favorite) even though I know Edda (who also loves chocolate) makes a complete mess of herself eating chocolate. No vanilla for Edda because we are just that crazy around here. I convinced Vince to go to Bethesda to pick them up. He went there and was confused and thought they were closed, but really, they had just turned off their front lights and were working in the back only fulfilling pre-orders for pickup and delivery. He semi-complained that it took him an hour to get the cupcakes and I said that it was a nice thing to do for K and really, what else is there to do?

Jeremy upgraded his indoor bike trainer this week to some fancy thing I have no idea about, but I stand there and look at it and nod and say wow! super impressive! He had put over 5,000 (10,000? who can keep track?) miles on the old trainer which gallantly done its duty. He gave me his old trainer and now I have the world’s most slapped together peloton bike set up. I have a hand-me-down trainer with a whole US-road-trip’s worth of miles on it. I have my bike which our neighbor gave us after it failed to sell at their garage sale after it had sat out in the rain for months and I have an old phone that Jeremy repurposed to control the trainer. I have a 30 day free trial for the peloton app and now I’m good to go.