Jeremy showed this to me last night as we were going to sleep (it’s great – he said, and it’s only 7 minutes. just watch it..). I feel much better now that the Terminator has given me a pep talk. Jeremy laughed and laughed at my facial reaction when he brought out Conan’s sword.
I don’t know what happened today, but I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I’ve already sniped at Jeremy a couple of times and also gotten frustrated at some poor customer service people (we have a mysterious amazon prime membership on one of our credit cards. 30 minutes on the phone with no resolution…)
I think I was in a bad mood yesterday as well. I can tell when I’m more easily irritated by my patients for no good reason. What is going on? I spoke all three languages yesterday – English, Chinese and Spanish which I was pleased about – a hat trick. Although I haven’t been able to pluck words that easily in English for the last few days which always worries me regarding acquiring any other language. I think I’m in a hormonal trough right now. I’m grouchy, I can’t remember English, hot flashes, poor sleep.
We spent Saturday rearranging the rooms again. We had a chance to put up my mom’s and grandmother’s quilt.