I was walking down the street for a quick Maxi poop walk when I passed a neighbor who was working in her garden. She asked how I was and I said – fine. and then she laughed and said – well, that doesn’t sound like a very enthusiastic fine! And I laughed too and said – I am really fine, we are all fine, I just wish the pandemic was over. And then we did a quick catch up which included her telling me some other neighbor had caught covid a couple weeks ago and, while not needing to go to the hospital, did have a doozy of disease course. ugh. She teaches at a local, hoity-toity private high school and she tells me that the masks do work – that she’s had about 5-10 kids test positive this year (weekly testing at said hoity-toity private school) and they were all diagnosed them asymptomatically (though days later, a bunch of them felt sicker) and none of the other kids in the class got sick. I asked – so those positive kids, do they know how they got covid? Yeah, pretty much, she replied. The private schools have moved to 100% in person way faster than the public schools, they’ve been in session at least 50% of the time since September, but she said – there is always at least one kid in each class who decided to stay virtual which, I imagine, is somehow extra frustrating.
God damn it, the deer found my bird feeder. They empty it out pretty fast. I gotta hang it up high, but I’m short, so that’s an issue. I did make a video of me trying to shoo the deer away – essentially yelling to a large mammal – get off my lawn, but I’m going to spare you that video.

I am a bad mail opener, so I open about a month’s worth of mail at once and this month I found the annual report/brochure of my hospital which showcases my quilting teacher’s mask! Gina made about 200 masks at the beginning of the pandemic and I gave them out to all the nurses at the hospital. Since I was floating everyday, I gave them out on all different units random different days. So I have no idea who the lady wearing Gina’s mask is!

Here’s my version, not ironed.

After more than a year of working at home, Jeremy finally ordered himself a proper office chair. We’d been hoping to find discounted expensive office chairs from some place because everyone is giving up their offices and probably needed to liquidate their office furniture, but we failed at this task. Jeremy’s tush has been hurting for various reasons (probably from the biking, not from the office sitting) so he needed a nice chair. As for me, I’m still sitting on and old wooden dining room chair that has no matching friends anywhere in the house.

Apparently for office chairs on rugs, you are suppose to replace the factory wheels with rollerblading wheels? I’m slowly wrapping my head around the fact that Jeremy will always be working from home. That I will never really regularly have the house to myself.