Isabella, coffee, Middlemarch.

Isabella came by on Saturday to mind Edda – I & S have a special relationship, lol.

Because Isabella was here, Jeremy and I went on a date – takeout from A & Js and coffee and cookies from a coffeehouse near REI. It was interesting to see how many people were masked. I still mask at grocery stores but I would have been OK eating in a restaurant on this date, but Jeremy is still wary, so we ate all of our things in a park or walking around. Jeremy thought no one in REI was masked, butI said, I though it was about 50%. Anyways, it was just nice to be in the world with only Jeremy – we window shopped together and tried on clothes at Uniqlo and REI and didn’t buy anything (except a birthday gift) even though we were tempted.

And I came home and finished Middlemarch. Just about 20 days after Vickey finished it. Still in March! And one could argue, still in the middle of March – kind of. I’m glad I finished it, though I think my life would have been complete without it. Vickey and I will discuss on Monday and pick our next book…

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