Ferment, sabbatical, construction.

Ah, the week has been going by too quickly. Vince had a nice spring break last week – he fermented things – kombucha and kimchi. I think he also slept a lot. Now he’s a week into the spring quarter – it’s a big one – with quantum mechanics. I mentioned that I had never taken quantum before and he asked if I went to college before quantum mechanics was discovered (!) – like in the 1980s. I laughed and said I said that I did not go to college in the 80s, it was the 90s and then Jeremy piped up and said that he went to college in the 80s- and yes, it had been discovered already – but it was not a required class for my major. Jeremy, unfortunately, got to take quantum at Caltech. ooooooff. that, I assume, was not fun.

V’s kimchi.

I had always assumed that the glass on the outside layer of our staircase chandelier was frosted. Turns out – no – it’s just insanely dirty. I spent about 4 days cleaning it about 5 minutes at a time standing on a ladder and using sticks with washcloths draped over the end. I’ve decided that it’s not that I don’t know what I’m doing with my life. I’m just on “sabbatical”. My goals for the next year or so are two things: get all the adult paperwork done for Edda & train for this fall marathon. Otherwise, I get to spend my time cleaning chandeliers.

Also, on my sabbatical, I get to watch construction going on directly across the street. At first, I assumed that this was in conjunction with the city replacing the water main on our street, but it’s not! Our neighbor has a leak on the house side of the meter which indicates that he’s using thousands of gallons of water, so he’s trying to fix it which involves a lot of digging.

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