Friday night, we hosted a surprise birthday part for Mike! It was all Sofie’s idea – she made the guest list and asked me to invited people I did not know and she told me the cake flavor (german chocolate). So we all got there at about 6pm and then waited for Sofie to get Mike and we did manage a surprised Mike :). Lots of fun. I did make the german chocolate cake and I think it turned out great – one of my own lifetime baking highlights.

Sofie told me (rather emphatically) that I should buy Mike some Smartwool socks which I did, but then other party goers had asked me earlier in the week what to buy Mike – and I told them said that Sofie told me to buy Smartwool socks and (I did not know this), they went out to buy socks as well. So it was really funny that all he got for his birthday was socks from different people.

We then, on Saturday, we drove to St Andrew’s in Delaware to visit Dan, Jeremy’s friend from college and bike coach/consultant. Eliana took care of Edda for one night and we went on a date! It’s been a long time since we’ve been on an overnight date.

The boys went biking, I went canoeing and running.

We did have a nice time, but we’ve been managing/figuring out COVID stuff. Edda did get sent home last Wed for a fever of 100. But the school doesn’t have accurate thermometers (!?) so they were kind of guessing. I took her home – she never measured a fever all day, but she did sound ever so slightly off. And when I say not a fever, I got 98.9 which isn’t a fever, but I know is warm. Usually people measure in the 97s. She had a dr appointment on Thursday in the am for an annual physical/guardianship paperwork and measured a fine normal temp through all the temp checks, but she still sounded off. So I kept her at home on Thursday. On Thursday night, she had a slightly elevated temp of 99.0 (which normally, I don’t count as a fever at the hospital – the cutoff is 99.4) – so I decided to keep her home on Friday. At this time, I’m trying to rescue the surprise party on Friday – I had people coming in from Pennsylvania and we couldn’t postpone until next week as it’s spring break and we are all scattering – we were home testing her for COVID, everything was negative. She had a PCR test on Tuesday one day before symptoms and was negative. On Friday – she was fine, no fever, sounded great. So the party went on. And we went to Delaware on Saturday. We arrived and Quinn had a slight cough, but had tested that morning and was negative. We had a great time, eating/laughing at their cat antics, canoeing, getting phones that had fallen into a river and then on Sunday, Quinn was feeling bad enough to stay in bed. Dan told us just that morning, there was a small outbreak of 5 positive cases at the school and by the time we got home, we got a call that she was positive for covid. So then last night – we abruptly left DC Martin Sunday night dinner in mid-dinner and we slept in separate bedrooms and are masking around the house. We’ll know in 2-3 days if we got it.

fingers crossed everyone is going to be negative. Sending love.