Look at this supercute photo of Donald and baby Edda. Katherine found it while she was sorting through some old photos – it was with a pile of photos I probably took from Thanksgiving 2004. A lifetime ago. I knew nothing.

We are still kind of recovering from covid. Everything is negative now, we still both have slight lingering congestion and Jeremy is still dealing with hives which are ok during the day, but come back at night and cause a poor night of sleep. Kind of a bummer, but also happy that it’s mostly over.
I went to a couple of appointments for Edda this week. On Monday, I went to get her blood drawn for a regular check up. We’ve never had any problem getting blood from Edda, but this was the first time I had three phlebotomists look over Edda’s veins before deciding which one to poke. They got it the first time (bypassing the common AC (the one in your elbow pit, generally the easiest) and going for one in the hand), but commented on her fine veins. I kind of shuddered imagining any hospital stay with IV antibiotics with blown vein after blown vein and lots of poking. Jeremy said – we’ll lets keep her out of the hospital.
On Tuesday, we met with the equipment people. I was trying to get a seat for the home with lateral supports for feeding. Edda tends to lean towards the left in a regular seat now, I’m trying to keep everything straight. I thought we were going to talk only about that, but we discussed a new wheelchair for her – she’s apparently outgrown her present one now (I was surprised, I thought we had the biggest one already) and also a gait trainer. The gait trainer is not to help with her gait, but to help her not fall and hit her head when she has a seizure. Her seizures have been great meaning non existent, but I’m still nervous to let her walk unattended for long periods of time.