I hiked with Kristen on Friday – it was a glorious morning! We walked for about 2 hours in the woods together. I have never gone walking with Kristen in the spring, when everything is growing and leafing out. I get excited about spring, but not as excited as Kristen who took photos of every bloom and identified so many plants that I’ve seen forever, but never knew the names.

Kristin is inspiring me to get a nose ring. Which I might do. I talked to Jeremy about it at dinner last night and he laughed and asked why he was laughing and he said it was because it was something that I like to talk about doing, but never would actually do. Haha, I almost made an appointment right then and their at our local piercer, but then they have a big warning sign on their website that I wouldn’t be able to swim for three months. That might be challenging. Maybe it’ll be a winter thing.

Elka living her best life. Her nickname is still appropriately poopyface. I spent the entire walk prying poop from her mouth. Horse, goose, deer, small, large, firm, squishy. It didn’t matter, she grabs them all and holds them gently in her mouth so proud of herself.