Biked in Across The Golden Gate

It was a great day again to go biking. We went up to the city and biked across the bridge and into Marin. We passed thru Salsalito and went into Tiburon. All told about 40 miles of biking. Not bad. Too bad when we got back to our car, we had found out that it had been towed. Apparenlty we were too stupid to read the signs that said – “4pm to 6pm TOW AWAY ZONE”. So we located the tow place and thankfully, it wasn’t too far away, so we biked there. We paid our 170 dollar ransom and left. Too bad there was a parking ticket to be paid on top of the towing fee. Yikes! I made my way back home on the Caltrain. It’s kinda fun to see what other bikes people were commuting with. There was this on guy with a pretty tricked out cruiser. The tires had tread in a flame pattern. 🙂 I got sorta pissed when the stupid girl yapping on her cell phone, put her stupid 5 dollar bike right on top of mine. All the racks were filled, I’ll grant her that. But at least pick a rack that has a cheap looking bike on it! She had no clue of course, and ended up picking the rack that has the most expensive bike in the car. Mine. Grrr.

Dinner with German friends.

We had dinner with Jeremy’s coworkers from AMD-Dresden who are here on a 1-year assignment. The live in the same apartment complex that we do, just a few doors down. Martin and Partrize have two kids, a daughter Clara and a son Johann. They were giving us advice on where we should live in Dresden.

Martin actually grew up in East Germany in Dresden. He lived in a area nicknamed “The Valley of the Clueless” because unlike a lot of East German – Dresden, because of the topography, could not get TV reception from West Germany – so he lost out on learning about American culture via television.

I saw a doctor today

I had a doctor appointment today and no fever. It is getting better now. Doctor complained there are too much paper work and no time for real medical work. I think it is all over in the USA now.

I do not know too much coumpter is really help the production? In engineering area, there are more scheduling people, controllers, and beam counters. We never have those jobs 20 years ago. Overhead is very high everywhere now.

Tot time

Went to “Tot Time” at our apartment complex. There were about 5 other moms there with a bunch of little ones. We played in the tot room and had a snack and then we went to the gym where they pulled out scooters and balls. I sometimes don’t like these playgroups because I spend a lot of time just chasing Vince around telling him to share, but this playgroup was really low key, a lot of the moms were friends and the kids pretty much did what they wanted.

Crawling Back to Pittsburg & Crawling Back to Office

Sunday, it was tough and rough. I got Mom’s love bug but had to flight back. Boy, what the trip it was! I felt really terrible but what else could I do. When I landed in Pittsburg, it was midnight. By the time, I got to my motel, it was 1:00 AM. When I reached my motel, what a relieve it was. I just crawled back to my bed and slept. Next day (same day?), I went to work at 7:00 AM. I rested a lot in my office yesterday. Today I am better and Mom probably has to see a doctor today. She is in worse shape than I was. What a love bug and crawling back to Pittsburg.

Everyday, I run from the parking lot to the front door of my office, just for exercise. It was helpful a bit for my daily route to exercise. It covers about 100 steps. Today, however, I tripped while doing that. My glasses, orange, banana, bagel and brief case were scattered all over the frozen ground. A nice lady, helped me to pick them up and put them into my brief case. What a crawling back to office :(. I am okay now. No problem and will do that with greater care.

This week and next, I will try to set a record for “paid” overtime. 🙂

I Need to Gain Weight (Fat)

Got back from a late afternoon ride. It’s getting to be pretty warm here so I didn’t really bundle up that much. The temperature started to drop, and it got cold. At least I was wise enough to bring my arm and leg warmers but it was still bitterly cold. I’m down to about 170 now and I think I’d want to keep it there. Lately I’ve just been so sensitive to weather. I get chilly just standing in class today. It’s almost scaring me a little. So yeah, maybe I’ll have to start eating Jack in the Box before going to bed now. 🙂