Going away party.

Drew moved away yesterday.  Vince really wanted to throw a going away party for him.  Twelve hours before he was slated to pull out of his driveway for the last time, Vince hosted a twelve boy party for Drew.  I guess we actually hosted, but it was all his idea.

It was really, really hard to get all the boys to stand still and pose for a good photo.  I tried.

A lot of the time the boys were like this:

I baked a cake for this party.  From scratch.  It was an excellent cake, but I don’t think any of the boys noticed or appreciated the from-scratch-ness of it.  I’m so proud of this cake.  Layers and everything!

Wizard of Oz.

Edda was in the Wizard of Oz last night.  I love Camp JCC.  It gives Edda the opportunity to participate in just regular summer fun.  Kara, her inclusion counselor, does a great job of including Edda in the swirl of the action.  I know Edda is having a great summer and it’s all beacuse of Kara’s hard work and attention.

It was an evening performance, Edda was a little overwhelmed – but she pulled it off.  And we all had a great time.

Zero bars.

For your viewing pleasure.  Vince’s video masterpiece from computer camp a few weeks ago.  First is the trailer and second is the actual movie.  I just love that all the kids in this movie (except for the dark-haired girl) live within 2 miles of each other and have grown up together.

Capitol Hill reception.

UCS’s new president:

Jeremy’s work had a Hill reception last night to introduce their new president to “Washington” – a debut of sorts.  The organizer of the event asked if someone could take photos at this event and Jeremy, very cleverly, volunteered me.

Because Nat was still on vacation, I could only do this event if Jeremy took care of Edda so I attended this UCS event without Jeremy.  It had complicated logistics involving a camp pick-up and meeting on the street corner at Union Station and a heavy reliance on Google Maps.  I’m so impressed with Google Maps.  DC was grid-locked with traffic and Google Maps took me in some round-about way avoiding all the accidents and traffic tie ups and major freeways and put me at Union Station in less than an hour.

This is a classic photographic set-up – a set-up which I never find myself in. A dark room, no windows.  People milling around eating finger-food.  It’s pretty hard to make it look interesting in photographs since nothing really interesting is happening.   But I did what I could.

Here’s an important person:

And another important person:

Finally, a few more important people:

I am the luckiest.

I am the luckiest.  I’m learning to hold two contradictory feelings in my hand at the same time and have it be OK. I’ve always wanted something to be one thing or another which I’m learning is never really so.  Without Rett Syndrome (unlucky) I would have never met these wonderful women (lucky!).  They are part of my everyday and I’m forever grateful.  Jeremy was kind enough to cook us a delicious dinner – he and Edda were honorary members of girls night in.

One of my favorite things to do is to do something with someone that they love to do.  I’ll do anything at least once if it’s your favorite thing ever.  Genealogy, stamp collecting, hockey games – all of it’s a lot of fun if you are with someone else who loves it to pieces.  Marta loves, loves, loves makeup – so we set up some lights and admired her huge makeup collection and then had her do all our faces.  Makeup is foreign territory for me, I didn’t even wear any makeup at my wedding.

I wish I got a photo of my face (which I loved and Marta told me was an everyday look), but it was late, I was a little tipsy and the photo was forgotten…  Next time.

Oak Ridge, TN & Toilet Tank Size

Oak Ridge, TN has one of our Nation’s top labs.  Yet, it seems to me, these Federal supports don’t translate into its wealth.  I guess, the majority of people work here probably stay in Knoxville instead.  Knoxville is very close to here.  But, even at Knoxville, the in-bound and out-bound air traffic are pretty limited.  Sometimes, the air ticket from here to Washington DC is more expensive that for the cross country.

People here are nice and very friendly.  But, social fabrics here is quite different than those in Washington DC.  The money here is much, much useful than those in Washington DC.  And there is no production work in Washington DC,  Here, at least, we produce materials for the security of our nation.  All Washington does is solely paper work and re-distributes the wealth of our nation. Of course, it retains the best part for herself first and then distributes the remaining parts to those people being taxed to its limits.

I heard the other day, someone gets an outrageous university speaking fee which probably is many times more than the average people earned yearly.  How true it is that as Ronald Reagan said “Government is the problem, not the solution”

Big government is even worse.  Big means that it digs in deeper to our daily activities.  It treats its citizens as uninformed masses.  It legislates everything possible.  It regulates our water heater with an extra expansion tank.  As far as I can tell, the old one without expansion tank is just working fun.  But, certainly, it is less safer than the new one – theoretically.  But, the installation cost is double.  What if I just don’t have the money to do it.

Believe me or not, it even regulates our toilet tank size.  With smaller size, I flush at least three times more than the grand old one – much bigger yet just flush once.  In the end, which one actually saves water?